
Bank of Palestine/Al Masyoun/ Bank account number 606707

Arab Islamic Bank/Al Bireh/ Bank account number 1026887

Palestine Islamic Bank/Al Bireh/ Bank account number 23300

Amman Cairo Bank/Al Irsal Branch/ Bank account number 152480

IBAN is needed for all from abroad

Address of JCS

Ramallah and Al Bireh Governorate, Umm Sharayet, close to Karameh and Al Khateeb Schools

Main office: Al Bireh, Sharafeh, Al Quds main road, behind Eiffel Sweets


Facebook: jcs.palestine

E-mail: jasminesociety@palnet.com

Tel: 00972-2-2976919

Fax: 00972-2-2951145

Jawwal: 00972-598-947790

Wataniya: 00972-568331113

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